e-Kamishibai Contest 2023 / eかみしばいコンテスト2023
This is an opportunity to express and transmit the charms of the region in the form of “e-Kamishibai” (a simple, gentle, storytelling-like video), and to mutually praise each other.
This year we also have a prize for the 1,250th anniversary of the birth of Kobo Daishi. Please tell us what you liked about your experience of the 88 Shikoku pilgrimage sites and the wonderful places you visited.
the Awards / 各 賞
1st Award 【Award Money 3-man-jp-yen】
2nd Award【Award Money 1-man-jp-yen】
◾️最優秀賞【賞金3万円】 (個人・団体)
◾️優秀賞 【賞金1万円】 (個人・団体)
Best Art Award, Best Technology Award, Best Gourmet Award, Bonanza Award【Award Money 5-sen-jp-yen】, CMS Cable Media Award【Video will be on Air】
◾️ケーブルメディア四国賞【CMS 讃岐由来帖内放送】
Special Award: Kobodaishi Seitan 1250th Award / the 1250th Anniversary of Kobodaishi
SPECIAL Award; Kobodaishi Goseitan 1250th Award/the 1250th Anniversary of the birth of Kobodaishi【Special Shikoku 88 temples pilgrimage goods】
Our activities are aimed for Shikoku to keep Shikoku happy in the future through the distribution of information about Shikoku. And we sincerely respect Kobo-Daishi, who was born as far back as 1,250 years ago and worked for the benefit of people from his childhood. This year, to show our respect, we have prepared this “1250th Anniversary of the Birth of Kobo-Daishi Award”.
The people who greet/osettai Henros are getting older. Shikoku’s declining and aging population may one day make it difficult to carry on the culture of hospitality. We hope to pass on and preserve the spirit of hospitality. We hope that those of you who have experienced the Shikoku pilgrimage will send us your works of art. We have also created an English version of the presentation video. We are happy to receive submissions from overseas.
Application period, Theme / 募集期間と募集テーマ
Application ; from June 10, 2023 – to August 31, 2023,
Video Theme:”I love Shikoku, especially this Points!”
Please note:Entries that are offensive to public order and morals will not be accepted. Please be sure to read and agree to the Application Terms and Conditions before submitting your entry.
Apply for e-Kamishibai Contest / ご応募はこちらから
e-Kamishibai Contest 2023 Application Process

1: Please make a video about the Shikoku region.
2 : Please apply here.
3 : You can see your video on this map.
- 1Please make a video about the Shikoku region.
- 2Please apply here.
- 3You can see your video on this map.
Received Regional Award
I would like to thank everyone who participated in the e-Kamishibai Contest and I would like to continue to work hard with this award. I would like to continue to make my best efforts with this award.